주부들의 식품안전 관련 구매행동 및 정보요구도 조사

This study was conducted to investigate housewives' purchase behavior and needs for information on food safety. The data were collected from 275 housewives over the age of 20 living in Seoul and metropolitan areas from March 9 to April 3 in 2009. The result of this study showed that 'checking expiration date' topped with 4.59 in the purchase behavior for food safety followed by 'buying domestics' (4.08) and 'considering food safety' (3.66). The study also showed that only 18.5% of the respondents said that they have an experience of education for food safety, and 'environmental hormones' was the highest with 89.1% in the percentage of correct answer but 'mad cow disease' was the lowest with 25.8%. Also total degree of knowledge for food hazards was an average of 8.56 out of 13. The respondents' degree of information search for food safety was generally low at 2.61 and tv/radio topped the list of information sources with 4.04, followed by newspaper/magazine (3.80), internet (3.44), and family/relatives/friends (3.39). Finally, degree of information needs for food safety was generally high with 3.82. Therefore, government, producers, distributers and academic researchers must provide consumers collective and sufficient information about the food safety and hazards through the diverse information sources. Also they have to play their respective roles in developing and executing feasible education program for consumers.