Flame Heights In Wall Fires: Effects Of Width, Confinement And Pyrolysis Length

A new, consistent and objective methodology, using a CCD camra to map flame luminosity, was applied for measuring wall b e heights. Experiments in six distinct wall configurations were conducted by simulating a wall fire via gaseous burners. The wall width was fixed at 0.4m and the burner height was set at 0 . 2 5 ~ at 0 . 5 ~ or at lm In a first time, the wall, 2m high, was confined by water cooled (65" C) sidewalls a) over its total height so that the flames were entraining air &om the fiond only or b) over its lower part beyond which f h ~ s were uncon6ned and could also entrain air sidewise. Then, the wall was unconfined over its total helght (2.5m high) and the air was entrained &om the front and at the side. Three hels were tested : methane, propane and acetylene. The present consistent and objective wall flame height measurements were essential for the development of new wall h e height correlations that include effects of burner (pyrolysis) height, wall width and confinement by sidewalls.