Scintillation Counters for the CDF Muon Upgrade

The possibility of triggering on muons at higher luminosities and smaller bounch spacings has been preserved in the central region and ectended to the forward (η < 1.5) by constructing new scintillation counters and refurbishing existing ones. The new counters are made of polystyrene - based scintillator produced by Monokristall under JINR supervision and employ a readout technique which is based on the use of wavelength-shifting fiber coupled to a miniature photomultilier tube produced by Hamamatsu. The tecnique, which was developed at Pisa and JINR, was optimized for long transmission lengths. This makes it particularly suitable for use with the long (3.2m) counters needed to complete coverage of the central region. The counters are also very compact. The use of a similar technique to refurbish aging PVT-based muon counters affords a striking demonstration of how this method may be used to solve problems related to long transmission lengths and(or) poor transmission properties of scintillation counters.