Characterization and classification of salt-affected soils of Southern Rajasthan

An investigation was carried out to characterize and classify the salt-affected soils of Bhilwara district, Rajasthan. Five representative pedons based on electrical conductivity of saturation extract from non-saline, very slightly saline, slightly saline, moderately saline and strongly saline soils were selected for proposed study. Soils were moderately shallow to very deep, sandy loam to clay loam in texture and calcareousness increased with depth. Soils under study were alkaline having ECe value higher in surface whereas CaCO3 content increased with depth of pedons. Further, the clay content was higher in substratum, which directly contributed to CEC values, since the organic carbon content of soil is low. Among soluble ions Na+ and Cl−dominated and were followed by Ca2+ and HCO3− in the extract. Calcium was the dominant ion among the exchangeable cations which may be related to finer fraction of the soils. The soils under investigation were classified as Typic Haplustepts, Typic Calciustepts and Aridic Ustorthents.