RETRACTED: A simple predictive tool for monitoring steam loss in traps

Steam traps are important parts of any steam system. Their basic function is to prevent the passage of steam while allowing condensate to flow. Traps are generally used on all kinds of steam heating equipment in which the steam gives up heat and is converted to condensate. Malfunctioning traps represent a significant source of wasted energy. Whether a trap is used to keep condensate from accumulating in a steam line, or to discharge water from a steam heated machine, its operation is very important and from a quantitative perspective, it is necessary to estimate steam losses in steam traps. In the present work, a simple-to-use predictive tool, which is easier than existing approaches, less complicated with fewer computations, is formulated to arrive at an appropriate estimation of the condensate flow rate and flow factor. The resulting information can then be applied to estimate actual loss of steam, for pressures up to 3500 kPa(abs) and saturation temperatures of sub-cooled condensates up to 100 ◦C. The proposed predictive tool shows a very good agreement with the reported data wherein the average absolute deviation percent hovered around 2.87%. This approach can be of immense practical value for the engineers and scientists to have a quick estimation of the actual loss of steam in steam traps for wide range of operating conditions without the necessity of any pilot plant set up and tedious experimental trials. In particular, process engineers would find the tool to be user-friendly involving transparent calculations with no complex expressions for their applications.

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