Nuclear receptor coactivators.

[1]  David A. Agard,et al.  The Structural Basis of Estrogen Receptor/Coactivator Recognition and the Antagonism of This Interaction by Tamoxifen , 1998, Cell.

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[9]  P. Chambon,et al.  The Putative Cofactor TIF1α Is a Protein Kinase That Is Hyperphosphorylated upon Interaction with Liganded Nuclear Receptors* , 1998, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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[17]  D. Livingston,et al.  Distinct roles of the co-activators p300 and CBP in retinoic-acid-induced F9-cell differentiation , 1998, Nature.

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[19]  David Newsome,et al.  Gene Dosage–Dependent Embryonic Development and Proliferation Defects in Mice Lacking the Transcriptional Integrator p300 , 1998, Cell.

[20]  B. O’Malley,et al.  Partial hormone resistance in mice with disruption of the steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) gene. , 1998, Science.

[21]  P. Puigserver,et al.  A Cold-Inducible Coactivator of Nuclear Receptors Linked to Adaptive Thermogenesis , 1998, Cell.

[22]  Hui Li,et al.  The Receptor-associated Coactivator 3 Activates Transcription through CREB-binding Protein Recruitment and Autoregulation* , 1998, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[23]  M. Stallcup,et al.  Nuclear receptor-binding sites of coactivators glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) and steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1): multiple motifs with different binding specificities. , 1998, Molecular Endocrinology.

[24]  J. T. Kadonaga,et al.  p300 and estrogen receptor cooperatively activate transcription via differential enhancement of initiation and reinitiation. , 1998, Genes & development.

[25]  C. Glass,et al.  Differential use of CREB binding protein-coactivator complexes. , 1998, Science.

[26]  C. Glass,et al.  Transcription factor-specific requirements for coactivators and their acetyltransferase functions. , 1998, Science.

[27]  H. Gronemeyer,et al.  The coactivator TIF2 contains three nuclear receptor‐binding motifs and mediates transactivation through CBP binding‐dependent and ‐independent pathways , 1998, The EMBO journal.

[28]  N. Koibuchi,et al.  TRAM-1, A Novel 160-kDa Thyroid Hormone Receptor Activator Molecule, Exhibits Distinct Properties from Steroid Receptor Coactivator-1* , 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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[31]  Jeffrey D. Parvin,et al.  RNA Helicase A Mediates Association of CBP with RNA Polymerase II , 1997, Cell.

[32]  C. Allis,et al.  Steroid receptor coactivator-1 is a histone acetyltransferase , 1997, Nature.

[33]  P. Meltzer,et al.  AIB1, a steroid receptor coactivator amplified in breast and ovarian cancer. , 1997, Science.

[34]  R. Evans,et al.  Nuclear Receptor Coactivator ACTR Is a Novel Histone Acetyltransferase and Forms a Multimeric Activation Complex with P/CAF and CBP/p300 , 1997, Cell.

[35]  Hui Li,et al.  RAC3, a steroid/nuclear receptor-associated coactivator that is related to SRC-1 and TIF2. , 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[36]  Christopher K. Glass,et al.  The transcriptional co-activator p/CIP binds CBP and mediates nuclear-receptor function , 1997, Nature.

[37]  David M. Heery,et al.  A signature motif in transcriptional co-activators mediates binding to nuclear receptors , 1997, Nature.

[38]  P. Chambon,et al.  Ligand-dependent interaction between the estrogen receptor and the human homologues of SWI2/SNF2. , 1997, Gene.

[39]  C. Glass,et al.  Nuclear integration of JAK/STAT and Ras/AP-1 signaling by CBP and p300. , 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[40]  S. Berger,et al.  Histone acetyltransferase activity and interaction with ADA2 are critical for GCN5 function in vivo , 1997, The EMBO journal.

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[42]  F. Jeanmougin,et al.  A possible involvement of TIF1 alpha and TIF1 beta in the epigenetic control of transcription by nuclear receptors. , 1996, The EMBO journal.

[43]  Andrew J. Bannister,et al.  The CBP co-activator is a histone acetyltransferase , 1996, Nature.

[44]  B. Howard,et al.  The Transcriptional Coactivators p300 and CBP Are Histone Acetyltransferases , 1996, Cell.

[45]  J. Direnzo,et al.  p300 is a component of an estrogen receptor coactivator complex. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[46]  D. Livingston,et al.  The nuclear hormone receptor coactivator SRC-1 is a specific target of p300. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

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[53]  B. O’Malley,et al.  CREB binding protein acts synergistically with steroid receptor coactivator-1 to enhance steroid receptor-dependent transcription. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[54]  R. Roeder,et al.  Ligand induction of a transcriptionally active thyroid hormone receptor coactivator complex. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[55]  B. Howard,et al.  A p300/CBP-associated factor that competes with the adenoviral oncoprotein E1A , 1996, Nature.

[56]  P. Chambon,et al.  TIF2, a 160 kDa transcriptional mediator for the ligand‐dependent activation function AF‐2 of nuclear receptors. , 1996, The EMBO journal.

[57]  S. Yeh,et al.  Cloning and characterization of a specific coactivator, ARA70, for the androgen receptor in human prostate cells. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[58]  M. Stallcup,et al.  GRIP1, a novel mouse protein that serves as a transcriptional coactivator in yeast for the hormone binding domains of steroid receptors. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[59]  Thorsten Heinzel,et al.  A CBP Integrator Complex Mediates Transcriptional Activation and AP-1 Inhibition by Nuclear Receptors , 1996, Cell.

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[65]  Andrew J. Bannister,et al.  Stimulation of c-Jun activity by CBP: c-Jun residues Ser63/73 are required for CBP induced stimulation in vivo and CBP binding in vitro. , 1995, Oncogene.

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[69]  Jean-Paul Renaud,et al.  Crystal structure of the RAR-γ ligand-binding domain bound to all-trans retinoic acid , 1995, Nature.

[70]  B. O’Malley,et al.  Sequence and Characterization of a Coactivator for the Steroid Hormone Receptor Superfamily , 1995, Science.

[71]  Thorsten Heinzel,et al.  Ligand-independent repression by the thyroid hormone receptor mediated by a nuclear receptor co-repressor , 1995, Nature.

[72]  Myles Brown,et al.  Polarity-specific activities of retinoic acid receptors determined by a co-repressor , 1995, Nature.

[73]  Andrew J. Bannister,et al.  CBP‐induced stimulation of c‐Fos activity is abrogated by E1A. , 1995, The EMBO journal.

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[76]  William Bourguet,et al.  Crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the human nuclear receptor RXR-α , 1995, Nature.

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[80]  P. Chambon,et al.  The N‐terminal part of TIF1, a putative mediator of the ligand‐dependent activation function (AF‐2) of nuclear receptors, is fused to B‐raf in the oncogenic protein T18. , 1995, The EMBO journal.

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