Aggregate power demand model and parameter identification for voltage stability enhancement

This paper focuses on the development of a fast aggregate electricity load model under steady-state and dynamic conditions. An important requirement of such a load model is that it should be robust, analytically sound, and conceptually clear. Besides, the model can be easily incorporated into existing programs of power system analysis. By using quasi-linear approximation made on the dynamic components of power demands, the general model is described in the paper by a combination of a linear system and a non-linear function. From the general model, the step response of the load is derived. The model is then reduced into a discrete one based on the step response. Successive applications of such a discrete model provide a good approximation of load dynamics. To evaluate parameters of the proposed discrete load model, an identification algorithm is developed to read data from a sliding sample window of bus voltages and load responses. By comparing the identification results with the detailed simulation of a test system, the proposed fast model is shown to provide good representation of the consumer load response under static and dynamic conditions. Furthermore, aggregate load characteristics have been taken into account in the voltage control of a study power system to demonstrate the importance of aggregate load modelling with respect to suppressing transients, reducing control errors and preventing reverse actions in voltage regulation.