The empowerment of the film spectator: Theatrical on demand in Spain

espanolGracias a las posibilidades que genera la tecnologia digital se abre un nuevo escenario donde las multitudes son capaces de innovar y transformar de forma eficaz las practicas tradicionales de empresas y organizaciones. En este articulo presentamos los resultados de una investigacion sobre el fenomeno de la distribucion y exhibicion cinematografica bajo demanda en Espana, tambien conocido en el sector profesional con el termino "estrenos bajo demanda" o "theatrical on demand". Ademas del analisis descriptivo, se aportan datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que permiten evaluar la dimension economica, cultural y social de esta nueva forma de relacion entre el espectador y la pelicula. La innovacion empresarial de caracter comercial y la innovacion social no son conceptos independientes, una sociedad activa puede contribuir a nuevas formas de comercializacion que le permitan acceder a producciones independientes de dificil difusion por los canales convencionales de distribucion y vivir nuevas experiencias culturales. EnglishThanks to the possibilities generated by digital technology a new scenario has emerged in which large groups of people are able to efficiently innovate and transform the traditional practices of companies and organizations. This article presents the results of research into the distribution and screening of films in Spain through a phenomenon known as theatrical on demand. In addition to a descriptive analysis, quantitative and qualitative data is presented to provide an evaluation of the economic, cultural, and social dimensions of this new relationship between audiences and movies. Commercial business innovation and social innovation are not separate concepts. An active society can serve as a vehicle new cultural experiences and new forms of marketing that provide access to independent productions that would otherwise be difficult to get to market through conventional distribution channels.