Live HD video transmission using 40GHz radio over fibre downlink system

40GHz radio over fibre (ROF) downlink system is constructed to demonstrate HD video transmission capability using the hybrid optical and wireless system. The dual-sideband optical carrier suppression (DSB-OCS) technique is used in conjunction with the minimum transmission bias (MiTB) to generate optical millimetre wave signal by utilizing a dual electrode Mach-Zehnder modulator (DE-MZM). A baseband high definition (HD) video signal is modulated into the system via a second MZM. The signal is distributed to a remote antenna unit (RAU) using a 20km optical fibre, then transmitted wirelessly to a customer premise equipment (CPE) located at 5m away. The results show that the HD video is successfully transmitted over the error free 40GHz ROF downlink system.

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