Above the Horizon Satellite Coverage with Dual-Altitude Band Constraints

The optimal satellite coverage problem traditionally refers to maximizing the visibility of targets against an Earth background. In this study, the focus shifts to satellite coverage of targets against a space background within a dualaltitude band defined by an upper and a lower target altitude. Furthermore, because objects against an Earth background are outside the region of interest, the coverage area to be maximized exists above the local horizon and, naturally, within a prespecified sensor range. The present analysis is restricted to satellites on circular orbits to simplify the mathematical development of the objective function. In the course of this development, geometrical arguments are employed to identify an analytical expression for the resulting coverage area. A graphical analysis tool, developed during the course of this study, is employed to develop new insight into how the coverage area is affected by changes in the mutual intersection of these reference surfaces. The result of the study is an objective function that can be employed in an optimization process in the search for optimal satellite constellations that maximize coverage of the area of interest.