Free Trade and Uneven Development: The North American Apparel Industry After NAFTA
List of Tables and Figures Part I: Analytical Overview 1. Introduction: The Apparel Industry and North American Economic Integration - David Spener, Gary Gereffi, and Jennifer Bair 2 . NAFTA and the Apparel Commodity Chain: Corporate Strategies, Interfirm Networks, and Industrial Upgrading - Jennifer Bair and Gary Gereffi Part II: The Changing Face of the Apparel Industry in the United States 3. Subcontracting Networks in the New York Garment Industry: Changing Characteristics in a Global Era - Florence Palpacuer 4. The Impact of North American Economic Integration on the Los Angeles Garment Industry - Judi A. Kessler 5. The New Sweatshops in the United States: How New, How Real, How Many, and Why? - Robert J. S. Ross 6. Labor's Response to Global Production - Edna Bonacich Part III: The U.S.-Mexico Border Region 7. The Unraveling Seam: NAFTA and the Decline of the Apparel Industry in El Paso, Texas - David Spener 8. Tex Mex: Linkages in a Binational Garment District? The Garment Industries in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez - Robert van Dooren 9. Commodity Chains and Industrial Organization in the Apparel Industry in Monterrey and Ciudad Juarez - Jorge Carrillo, Alfredo Hualde, and Araceli Almaraz Part IV: Interior Mexico 10. Torreon: The New Blue Jeans Capital of the World - Gary Gereffi, Martha Martinez, and Jennifer Bair 11. Learning and the Limits of Foreign Partners as Teachers - Enrique Dussel Peters, Clemente Ruiz Duran, and Michael J. Piore 12. Knitting the Networks Between Mexican Producers and the U.S. Market - Ulrik Vangstrup 13. Fragmented Markets, Elaborate Chains: The Retail Distribution of Imported Clothing in Mexico - Jorge Mendoza, Fernando Pozos Ponce, and David Spener Part V: Central American and the Caribbean 14. When Does Apparel Become a Peril? On the Nature of Industrialization in the Caribbean Basin - Michael Mortimore 15. Can the Dominican Republic's Export-Processing Zones Survive NAFTA? - Dale T. Mathews Part VI: Conclusion 16. NAFTA and Uneven Development in the North American Apparel Industry - Jennifer Bair, David Spener, and Gary Gereffi About the Contributors Index