Synergies between the VVVX Survey and the S-PLUS Galactic Survey

Abstract Two new Galactic Surveys started activities in 2016: the ESO Public VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea eXtended Survey (VVVX) and the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey Galactic Survey (S-PLUS GS). VVVX is the extension of the ESO VVV Survey ((Minniti et al. 2010) and will triple the observed area from 562 deg2 to 1700 deg2. The S-PLUS GS makes use of the T80-South robotic telescope in Cerro Tololo (Chile) to observe 1420 deg2 of the Galactic disk and bulge in the optical. The S-PLUS GS will cover 800 deg2 contemporaneously and overlapping with VVVX. Here we explore the synergy between these ongoing surveys and present illustrative examples combining the optical and infrared data.