A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality

Jordi Martínez-Vilalta | Francesco Ripullone | Harald Bugmann | Chonggang Xu | Michel Vennetier | Andy Hector | Richard C Cobb | Rodrigo Vargas | Patrick J. Hudson | Rodrigo Hakamada | Arthur Gessler | M. G. Ryan | Maurizio Mencuccini | Craig D Allen | Sanna Sevanto | Michael J O'Brien | Trenton E Franz | L. Anderegg | N. McDowell | J. Muss | Chonggang Xu | C. Allen | Maurizio Mencuccini | R. Vargas | J. Sperry | M. Germino | K. Reinhardt | M. Vennetier | W. Pockman | D. Breshears | T. Kolb | J. Plaut | E. Yépez | A. Hector | D. Beerling | T. Brodribb | M. Zeppel | H. Adams | W. Anderegg | H. Bugmann | H. Hartmann | T. Huxman | T. Franz | L. Dickman | S. Sevanto | R. Pangle | J. Limousin | R. Cobb | A. O'Grady | E. Pinkard | B. Ewers | A. Macalady | J. Quirk | J. Kane | A. Gessler | Rodrigo Hakamada | G. Barron‐Gafford | A. Sala | J. Martínez‐Vilalta | James D. Lewis | D. Tissue | F. Piper | S. Landhäusser | D. Way | D. Law | F. Ripullone | P. Mitchell | U. Hacke | N. Garcia-Forner | D. Love | P. Hudson | A. Collins | Honglang Duan | L. Galiano | D. A. Gálvez | M. Gaylord | Michael W. Jenkins | Michael J. O’Brien | John S Sperry | Henry D Adams | Melanie J B Zeppel | William R L Anderegg | Henrik Hartmann | Simon M Landhäusser | David T Tissue | Travis E Huxman | Patrick J Hudson | Leander D L Anderegg | Greg A Barron-Gafford | David J Beerling | David D Breshears | Timothy J Brodribb | Adam D Collins | L Turin Dickman | Honglang Duan | Brent E Ewers | Lucía Galiano | David A Galvez | Núria Garcia-Forner | Monica L Gaylord | Matthew J Germino | Uwe G Hacke | Michael W Jenkins | Jeffrey M Kane | Thomas E Kolb | Darin J Law | James D Lewis | Jean-Marc Limousin | David M Love | Alison K Macalady | Patrick J Mitchell | Jordan D Muss | Anthony P O'Grady | Robert E Pangle | Elizabeth A Pinkard | Frida I Piper | Jennifer A Plaut | William T Pockman | Joe Quirk | Keith Reinhardt | Michael G Ryan | Anna Sala | Danielle A Way | Enrico A Yepez | Nate G McDowell | Joe Quirk | Lucía Galiano | Núria Garcia‐Forner | Rodrigo E. Hakamada

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