The Implementation of Computer Platform for Foundries Cooperating in a Supply Chain

This article presents a practical solution in the f orm of implementation of agent-based platform for t he management of contracts in a network of foundries. The described implementatio n is a continuation of earlier scientific work in t he field of design and theoretical system specification for cooperating companies [1]. The implementation addresses key design assumptions - the system is implemented using multi-agent technology, which offers the poss ibility of decentralisation and distributed process ing of specified contracts and tenders. The implemented system enables the joint management of orders for a network of small and medium-sized metallurgical plants, while providing them with greater competitiveness and the ability to carry out large procurements. The artic le presents the functional aspects of the system - the user interface and the principle o f operation of individual agents that represent bus inesses seeking potential suppliers or recipients of services and products. Additionally, the system is equipped with a bi-directional agent translating standards based on ontologies, which aims to automate the decision-making process during tender specifications as a respo nse to the request.