Effective-medium treatment of flow through anisotropic fracture system — Improved permeability estimates using a new lattice mapping

The permeability tensor of a fractured reservoir, which will typically be anisotropic because of the presence of stress, is an important parameter to be taken into account when formulating a production strategy for the reservoir. Extensive computational effort is involved in calculating the permeabilities of model fracture systems by solving the fluid flow equations through finite realisations of the systems, and this renders a search for alternative techniques worthwhile. An attractive approach is to perform a rough mapping of the fracture system onto a lattice so that effective medium theory can be applied. For isotropic systems that are well-connected, this technique works well, but it gives increasingly poor results as the degree of anisotropy increases. In this contribution, a refinement of the lattice mapping is presented that incorporates an important aspect of the randomness present in the original system. This greatly increases the applicability of the technique.