Semantisk analys av processbeskrivningar i naturligt språk

The purpose of the project described in this report is to study control structures in Natural Swedish, especially those occuring when tasks of algorithmic nature are described, and how to transform these specifications into programs, which can then be executed.The report describes and discusses the solutions that are used in an implemented system which can read and comprehend descriptions of patience (solitaire) games. The results are partly language dependent, but are not restricted to this specific problem environment.The system is divided into four modules. The syntactic module splits the sentence approximately to its component parts. In addition to the standard component categories, such as subject and predicate, every preposition is regarded as a component category of the sentence. The semantic analysis within a sentence works with a set of internallsation rules, one for each combination of a verb and a component part. The third module deals with the semantics on text level and integrates the representation of a sentence into the program code that is built up. The last module is an interpreter which can execute the programs representing patience games.