One of the things that has always been a problem in society and requiring special attention is drug abuse. Drugs (short for Narcotics, Psychotropic and other dangerous Addictive Substances) are materials/substances which, when entered into the human body, either physically or Oral/drink, inhaled, or injected, can change thoughts, moods or feelings, and behavior of a person. Drugs can cause physical and psychological dependence (addiction). This community service activity is carried out Community participation in the form of socializing the impact of drug abuse in the community is one of the comprehensive countermeasures. Pre-experimental research methods and types of field research with counseling and mentoring approaches character to youth organization (Karang Taruna).  The activity is the increasing knowledge about the impact of drug abuse in the community by optimizing information technology-based. The youth problems were obtained during the activities, then the problem solving was presented at the end of the activity. The results of the activity showed that the youth organization had understood the dangers of drugs abuse for their character building. In addition, they were eager to inform the results of activities to the other friends. As the educational institution that is very close to their environment, University of Mercubuana  is expected to continue to give guidance and support for the adolescents' activities.