A model for improving school and classroom effectiveness must pay attention to: (1) leadership; (2) school climate; (3) supervision; (4) teacher behaviors; (5) student behaviors; and (6) student achievement. Chapter 1 of this book on effective schools and classrooms introduces these important issues and describes a model incorporating these issues. Chapter 2 reviews research about student and teacher behaviors and how they affect classroom effectiveness. Chapter 3 suggests ways administrators can help teachers promote student involvement, coverage, and success through positive supervision. Research concerning effective schools is the topic of chapter 4, and chapter 5 demonstrates how indicators of effective schools are grouped into the more general categories of school climate and leadership. Chapter 6 uses a hypothetical case study to show how school leadership processes can promote a school climate where there is an academic emphasis, an orderly environment, and expectations for success. The chapter ends with suggestions for superintendents and school boards for improving student achievement. Chapter 7 includes a questionnaire for assessing a school's effectiveness. The eighth chapter discusses principles of the:school improvement process. A summary is offered in the ninth chapter, and a appendices provide information on monitoring student behavior nd the policy statement of-a school district on school effectiveness. (JMK) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Effective .Schoog and Classrooms: A Research-Based Perspective C7` (N1 David A. Squiyes re\ William G. Huitt CV John K. Segars US, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER tERICI viVI, docurnonc has been reproduced us r owed from the person or orgamzahon omnufing It Atnor chanqes have Leen made to 'reprove reproduchon quahty Pooh, of vow or op.rnoqs 'Stated in th.s
L. Fischer,et al.
Styles in Teaching and Learning.
Gaea Leinhardt,et al.
The Instructional Dimensions Study
Carolyn M. Evertson,et al.
Effective Classroom Management at the Beginning of the School Year
The Elementary School Journal.
D. A. Squires.
Improving Classrooms and Schools: What's Important.
A. Mood,et al.
Equality of Educational Opportunity.
Ronald W. Marx,et al.
Teacher Planning, Teacher Behavior, and Student Achievement
B. Skinner,et al.
Technology of Teaching
Robert E. Floden.
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G. Leinhardt.
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B. Skinner.
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Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences.
W. J. Mueller,et al.
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John A. Zahorik.
Teachers' Planning Models.
J. Carroll.
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Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.