Trisection for supersingular genus 2 curves in characteristic 2

By reversing reduction in divisor class arithmetic we provide efficient trisection algorithms for supersingular Jacobians of genus $2$ curves over finite fields of characteristic $2$. With our technique we obtain new results for these Jacobians: we show how to find their $3$-torsion subgroup, we prove there is none with $3$-torsion subgroup of rank $3$ and we prove that the maximal $3$-power order subgroup is isomorphic to either $\mathbb{Z}/3^{v}\mathbb{Z}$ or $(\mathbb{Z}/3^{\frac v2}\mathbb{Z})^2$ or $(\mathbb{Z}/3^{\frac v4}\mathbb{Z})^4$, where $v$ is the $3$-adic valuation $v_{3}$(#Jac(C)$(\mathbb{F}_{2^m})$). Ours are the first trisection formulae available in literature.