Genetic Analysis of Platform-Phenotyped Root System Architecture of Bread and Durum Wheat in Relation to Agronomic Traits

Roots are essential for water and nutrient uptake but are rarely the direct target of breeding efforts. To characterize the genetic variability of wheat root architecture, the root and shoot traits of 200 durum and 715 bread wheat varieties were measured at a young stage on a high-throughput phenotyping platform. Heritability of platform traits ranged from 0.40 for root biomass in durum wheat to 0.82 for the number of tillers. Field phenotyping data for yield components and SNP genotyping were already available for all the genotypes. Taking differences in earliness into account, several significant correlations between root traits and field agronomic performances were found, suggesting that plants investing more resources in roots in some stressed environments favored water and nutrient uptake, with improved wheat yield. We identified 100 quantitative trait locus (QTLs) of root traits in the bread wheat panels and 34 in the durum wheat panel. Most colocalized with QTLs of traits measured in field conditions, including yield components and earliness for bread wheat, but only in a few environments. Stress and climatic indicators explained the differential effect of some platform QTLs on yield, which was positive, null, or negative depending on the environmental conditions. Modern breeding has led to deeper rooting but fewer seminal roots in bread wheat. The number of tillers has been increased in bread wheat, but decreased in durum wheat, and while the root-shoot ratio for bread wheat has remained stable, for durum wheat it has been increased. Breeding for root traits or designing ideotypes might help to maintain current yield while adapting to specific drought scenarios.

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