UsingCADtoShapeExperiments inMolecular QCA

Thispaper examines howcircuits andsystemsmadefrom molecular QCA devices mightfunction. Ourdesign constraints are "chemically reasonable" inthat we consider the characteristics anddimensions ofdevices andscaffoldings (circuit boards toattach devices to)thathaveactually been fabricated (currently inisolation). We willshowthatnot onlyistheworkpresented herea necessary first stepfor any workinQCA CAD,butalsothatbyconsidering issues related todesign can actually helpshapeexperiments inthephysical sciences foremerging, nano-scale devices. Ourworkshowsthatcircuits, scaffoldings, substrates, and devices mustallbeconsidered simultaneously. Otherwise, there isa very realpossibility thatthedevices andscaffoldingsthatare eventually manufactured willresult indevices thatonlyworkinisolation. Thisworkisespecially timely as experimentalists are currently working tomerge thedifferent experimental tracks - i.e. toselectively place a QCA device.