LOOM STTR. Research and Delivery of STELLA Software Development.
Abstract : This STTR is a first step in identifying the opportunities that may exist for one of the principal products of a DARPA funded research and development effort, the PowerLOOM system and the STELLA language. In this effort, a knowledge system, PowerLOOM, has been developed using STELLA. The current state of that environment and its preparation for distribution places ISX and USC/ISI in an environment from which this fledgling system may be converted from a simple research environment into a potentially distributable and marketable status. Our experience and participation in the distribution of the LOOM system helps to prepare us for this cooperative effort. The work in this effort is a cooperative effort of individuals at both the USC/ISI organization in Marina Del Ray, California and individuals at the ISX corporation in Westlake Village, California. In particular, the two leadership individuals who have produced the majority of this document are Robert MacGreggor Ph. D. of USC/ISI and Carl Friedlander Ph. D. of ISX.