Spatial Sampling Considerations For Wide-azimuth Streamer Data

Sampling theory is one of the basic foundations of geophysics. The spatial sampling criteria for classical marine seismic acquisitions are well known, and can be considered a solved problem. Modern acquisition practice uses very fine receiver group spacing and dense coverage, and spatial aliasing issues can practically be neglected. However, with the advent of wide-azimuth marine seismic acquisitions (Mitchell et al., 2006, Threadgold et al., 2006), and their rapidly increasing popularity, the classical spatial sampling considerations once again become pertinent. This paper investigates the effects of, primarily, coarse sampling in crossline receivers, in addition to the related issue of coarse shot spacing. Both of these are typical characteristics of wide-azimuth marine acquisitions. We also assess the role of data preprocessing in alleviating the problems created by these spatial sampling issues.