Book Review: Radar Principles for the Non-Specialist (Second Ed.)
no solutionsare provided. However. as an engineer. I feel that the book wouldbe too mathematicallysophisticated. and. sinceit is most likely that the readershipof this review willbe interested in the education ofengineers. it wouldnot beappropriate to givea detaileddescriptionof the contents.The following briefoutlinewill givethe interestedreadersufficient informationto decide whetherto look in moredetail:The book containssevenchapters;the firstfourchapters are concernedwithinformationtheoryand the final threechapters with codingtheory.The two topicsare often treated separatelybecausetheyrelyon different areas ofmathematicsviz. algebraand probability.However. theydo link verywell and togetherprovide the content ofa useful mathematical text. The book is producedin TEX and. as such.offers a veryhigh quality ofpresentation.Unfortunately the presence of the sophisticated mathematicalsymbolism that this affordsisjust the appearance which willmake it a verydaunting text for mostengineers. ALANJ. DAVIES. Division ofMathematics. University ofHertfordshire