The Impact of the Forecasting Capacity of One Science on that of Other Sciences
textabstractI am pleased and grateful for the opportunity science.
to present here some remarks on the interrelation-Generally speaking this subject of ‘science
ships of the forecasting capacity of sciences. I geography’ deserves a more systematic treatment
hope that my remarks may be considered a useful than is usual. An example or common practice is
comment on forecasting; I don’t claim any origi-given in table 1, which is used by the Royal Dutch
nality, though. Others have worked on this subject Academy of Sciences. A systematic subdivision
more than I have: see, e.g., Intriligator (1988), must satisfy the well-known conditions that the
Nordhaus (1987), Theil (1958, 1966), to mention a individual elementary areas
[1] H. Theil,et al. Economic Forecasts and Policy. , 1959 .
[2] William D. Nordhaus,et al. Forecasting Efficiency: Concepts and Applications , 1987 .
[3] C. B. Tilanus,et al. Applied Economic Forecasting , 1966 .