Embolization of hepatic hemangiomas in infants.

A small number of cavernous liver hemangiomas in infants cause serious symptoms, requiring active treatment. We report two newborns with giant liver hemangiomas, treated by intra-arterial embolization. The babies presented at 2 - 8 days after birth with tachypnoea and cardiac dilation. A giant liver hemangioma located in the right liver lobe in one infant and in the left liver lobe in the other was found at ultrasonography and computed tomography. Dilated liver veins indicated abnormal shunting of the blood through the hemangiomas. Because of progress of symptoms superselective embolization of the arteries feeding the hemangiomas and arising from the celiac trunk was performed with a mixture of Lipoidol and Histoacryl. A decrease of tachypnoea and of heart volume was noted after embolization. In one infant surgery was necessary due to gastrointestinal bleeding. The intra-arterial embolization is a valuable method for the treatment of newborns with symptomatic cavernous liver hemangiomas.