The hidden competitive weapon supporting innovation in health care.
It is trite to say health care is experiencing an era of unprecedented change. However, with the preoccupation with reimbursement and economic reform, it is easy to focus on this single dimension and lose sight of the pervasiveness of the need for continuous change throughout the entire health care organization. Health care organizations that will emerge as leaders within the industry will have incorporated not only radical changes to deal with new patterns of reimbursement, but also simultaneous changes in core medical services--changes that not only incorporate new technology, but also push down costs. They will also have to cope with radical changes in information and quality systems. Physical facilities will look less like citadels, and new flexible architectures will emerge. Coping with transportation logistics and remote site service provision will be part of the new industry. Patients will become full partners in ?health,? requiring very different approaches to patient education and involvement in prevention, not simply treatment. Indeed, without belaboring the almost endless list, it is impossible to think of a single dimension of health care that will be untouched.