Designing better buildings

1. Design as a value generator - Sebastian Macmillan Part 1. The perspective of clients 2. Clients and quality - Tony Pollington 3. Learning more from what we build - Bill Bordass 4. A client's perspective on the value of good design - Dickon Robinson 5. The long term costs of owning and using buildings - Raymond Evans, Richard Haryott, Norman Haste and Alan Jones Part 2. Case Studies of added value 6. Measuring value or just cost: the need for new valuation methods - Jon Rouse 7. Measuring and improving functionality and performance - Terry Wyatt 8. Design quality in new schools - Richard Feilden 9. Assessing benefits in the health sector - Bryan Lawson 10. Making special places for health care - Susan Francis 11. Adding value through better urban design - Matthew Carmona Part 3. Delivering better buildings 12. Design needs conscious values - Giles Oliver 13. Flexibility and adaptability - Adrian Leaman 14. Managing design and construction - Peter Trebilcock Part 4. Measuring quality and value 15. Inclusive maps - Sunand Prasad 16. Achieving quality in building design by intention - Michael Dickson 17. Building indicators of design quality - Jennifer Whyte, David Gann and Ammon Salter 18. Housing Quality Indicators in practice - Paul Wheeler Index