Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend the International code of

The "Tokyo Code" (Greuter & al., 1994), incorporating changes adopted at the XV International Botanical Congress in Yokohama, was published in August 1994. In accordance with its, Division III (Provisions for modification of the Code), the Code may be modified only by action of a plenary session of an International Botanical Congress on a resolution moved by the Nomenclature Section of that Congress. The next Congress will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1999. Anyone proposing changes in the Code should be familiar with the basic procedure: (1) After each new edition appears, proposals to amend it are published in Taxon (see below), where they are numbered serially. (2) Prior to the next International Botanical Congress, a "Synopsis of proposals" assembles all of these, organized by Article and Recommendation, and republishes them with appropriate comments from the Rapporteurs but without the justification accompanying the original publication. (3) A ballot for the Preliminary Mail Vote (an entirely advisory opinion from individuals) is sent to those entitled to vote in the same time as the Synopsis, and the ballots are tabulated so that the results are available at the nomenclature sessions of the Congress. (4) The Nomenclature Section, meeting ahead of the main sessions of the Congress, considers proposals, including any amendments offered, and acts upon them on the basis of a combination of individual and institutional votes. (5) Decisions of the Nomenclature Section are ratified by vote of a plenary session of the Congress. Details of the method of appointment of the Rapporteurs, and of those eligible to vote in the Preliminary Mail ballot and at the nomenclature sessions of the Congress, appear in the Code, Division III.