Generative Adversarial Ensemble Learning for Face Forensics

The recent advance of synthetic image generation and manipulation methods allows us to generate synthetic face images close to real images. On the other hand, the importance of identifying the synthetic face images increases more and more to protect personal privacy from those. Although some deep learning-based image forensic methods have been developed recently, it is still challenging to distinguish synthetic images generated by recent image generation and manipulation methods such as the deep fake, face2face, and face swap. To resolve this challenge, we propose a novel generative adversarial ensemble learning method. We train multiple discriminative and generative networks based on the adversarial learning. Compared to the conventional adversarial learning, our method is however more focused on improving the discrimination ability rather than image generation one. To this end, we improve the discriminabilty by ensembling outputs from different two discriminators. In addition, we train two generators in order to generate general and hard synthetic images. By ensemble learning of all the generators and discriminators, we improve the discriminators by using the generated synthetic face images, and improve the generators by passing the combined feedback of the discriminators. On the FaceForensics benchmark challenge, we thoroughly evaluate our methods by comparing the recent methods. We also provide the ablation study to prove the effectiveness and usefulness of our method.

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