Multipurpose fiber optic sensor with sloped tip
Fiber-optic sensors C FOS) are wi. del y used for rioncontact measurements due to their simplicity, small size, insensitivity to I nfl uence of el ectromagneti C fiel ds , hi gh metrol ogi cal characteristics, etc. The operation principle of FOS with intensity modul ati on techni que I s based on the photodetector regi strati on of 1ight , reflected from the control 1 ed surface E I ) . The i ntensi ty of detected 1 1 ght depends on th FOS' s di stance from the control 1 ed surface, its form and inclination to sensor's axis, FOS shift speed, etc. So they can be consider multipurpose. We are devel opi ng FOS wi th i ntensi ty modul ati on techni que wi th traight tips as well as with sloped tips. In FOS with sloped tips the light ring spot is appearing on the controlled surface due to the effect of symmetry. We use thi s phenomena to empl oy refl ected 1 i ght more efficiently and to increase the FOS characteristics. Tak i ng I nto account the fact that pr obl ems of cal cul aWl on of fibers with sloped tip were not analyzed in details earlier-, in particular, only the case of light distribution of parallel beams runni ng was consi dered E 2) we wi I 1 conduct a consi stent cal cul ati on of bounds of i rradi ance fi ci d , created by a fi ber wi th sl oped tip, esti mate I i ght di stri buti on I n a 1 1 ght spot , and determi. ne characteristics of the FOS with sloped tip.© (1991) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.