Conference Paper Recommendation for Academic Conferences

With the rapid growth of scientific publications, research paper recommendation which suggests relevant research papers to users can bring great benefits to researchers. In this paper, we focus on the problem of recommending conference papers to the conference attendees. While most of the related existing methods depend on the content-based filtering, we propose a unified conference paper recommendation method named $CPRec$ , which exploits both the contents and the authorship information of the papers. In particular, besides the contents, we exploit the relationships between a user and the authors of a paper for recommendation. In our method, we extract several features for a user-paper pair from the citation network, the coauthor network, and the contents, respectively. In addition, we derive a user’s pairwise preference towards the conference papers from the user’s bookmarked papers in each conference. Furthermore, we employ a pairwise learning to rank model which exploits the pairwise user preference to learn a function that predicts a user’s preference towards a paper based on the extracted features. We conduct a recommendation performance evaluation using real-world data and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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