A comparative analysis of approaches to wilderness perception mapping

A current problem for protected area management is contending with increasing backcountry use, notably that use which is directed toward wilderness experiences. The notion of multiple perceptions of wilderness suggest that a variety of wildernesses can be defined and managed in such a way as to minimize user impacts while maximizing user satisfaction. The spatial delimitation of multiple perceptions of wilderness has been formalized through wilderness perception mapping. The wilderness perception mapping methodology can be operationalized through two approaches, using geographic information systems, which are outlined and compared. The first method is an intuitive spatial-perceptual approach, while the alternative method is a more sophisticated multivariate approach. The results of applying each method to a study area are examined and contrasted. While there is broad similarity in the spatial delimitation of wilderness perceptions achieved by each method, the multi-variate approach affords a finer level of differentiation. The implications of these comparative differences and similarities for management of, and research for, protected are discussed.