Henry’s Constants and Vapor–Liquid Distribution Constants for Gaseous Solutes in H2O and D2O at High Temperatures

We have developed correlations for the Henry’s constant kH and the vapor–liquid distribution constant KD for 14 solutes in H2O and seven solutes in D2O. The solutes considered are common gases that might be encountered in geochemistry or the power industry. Solubility data from the literature were critically assessed and reduced to the appropriate thermodynamic quantities, making use of corrections for nonideality in the vapor and liquid phases as best they could be computed. While the correlations presented here cover the entire range of temperatures from near the freezing point of the solvent to high temperatures approaching its critical point, the main emphasis is on representation of the high-temperature behavior, making use of asymptotic relationships that constrain the temperature dependence of kH and KD near the critical point of the solvent.