New Numerical Techniques and Tools in SUGAR for 3D MEMS Simulation

SUGAR is a modi ed nodal analysis package for 3D MEMS simulation that owes its heritage and its name to the SPICE family of circuit simulation. SUGAR has undergone the stage of proof-of-concept which showed that modi ed nodal analysis was in fact just as accurate and much faster than nite element simulation on many MEMS problems. The upcoming major release of SUGAR is version 2.0, which includes a number of new features, such as thermal expansion, linearly and rotationally accelerating frames, residual strain gradient, nonlinear sti ness and user-de ned models. In this paper, we introduce two new numerical techniques and tools to be incorporated in the future release of SUGAR, namely scaling schemes to remedy arti cial ill-conditioning and Krylov subspace based reducedorder modeling techniques for e cient transient analysis of dynamical systems.