[Distribution of intestinal parasites in patients presenting at the parasitology laboratory of the medical school of Erciyes University between the years of 2005 and 2008].

In this study carried out from January 2005-June 2008, a total of 28,911 stool samples were examined using native-Lugol and flotation/sedimentation methods and 7,164 cellophane tape preparations were examined directly. Intestinal parasites were found in 6,975 (24.13%). Of the patients, 52.90% were female and 47.10%, male. Blastocystis hominis, 5,701 (19.72%); Entamoeba coli, 910 (3.15%); Giardia intestinalis, 568 (1.96%); Endolimax nana, 363 (1.26%); Entamoeba hartmann i, 357 (1.23%); Entamoeba histolytica/dispar, 253 (0.87%); Chilomastix mesnilii, 92 (0.32%); Enterobius vermicularis, 58 (0.20%); Iodamoeba butschlii; 40 (0.14%); Taenia sp., 35 (0.12%); Ascaris lumbricoides, 34 (0.12%); and Hymenolepis nana, 17 (0.06%) were found to be the most common parasites.