Learning about smart systems for comfort management and energy saving in office buildings

Implementing innovative agent technology-based smart systems in office buildings show promise for combining the saving of energy and cost-effective building management with enhanced comfort of individual office workers. We studied a field test of such a system in an office building in which users were offered opportunities to optimise their comfort together with an option for saving energy by an interface on their personal office computer. Design of the building, design of the Smart system, together with attitudes, actions and experiences of test users were studied by combining different methods. Our research carried out before and during the test revealed that initial expectations were not met. The frequency of Smart use for comfort management appeared to be low and users did not understand the energy saving option. Users could not detect any improvement of comfort. For analysing the findings gained during the field test we introduce the concept of design logic and use logic . We demonstrate that the mismatch between these logics caused loss of control of Smart agents and introduced ambivalence for users. On the basis of this analysis we conclude that – despite having some minor shortcomings – it was not the design of Smart proper that explains its poor performance, but the clash of logics. Implementation of smart climate systems for buildings can be improved, and unwelcome outcomes avoided, by analysing and comparing such logics early on, i.e. in the design stage.