Formative Evaluation of Engineering Designs Using Driver Performance in a Immersive Driving Simulator

The systems engineering approach employs iterative evaluation of human factors issues throughout the system design process. Formative evaluation and refinement of user interfaces promotes cost savings by continuously validating design concepts and defining needs for improving the designs at the earliest possible point in the engineering process. Testing may use varying levels of prototypes of the system or simulations of its responses and user interfaces. While human factors evaluation frequently uses paper or foam board mockups, immersive driving simulators enhance the process by incorporating realistic road geometries and traffic flows and by requiring driver perception, decision making, and control actions in realistic scenarios and timelines. Three studies conducted in the Western Transportation Institute driving simulation laboratory are summarized. These used an immersive driving simulator to evaluate drivers’ responses to (1) Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) deployments on a rural highway, (2) the user interface to a lane departure warning system, and (3) a proprietary cooperative warning system for installation on the exterior of vehicles.