Locally Undesirable Land Uses in Minority Neighborhoods: Disproportionate Siting or Market Dynamics?
t Associate Professor of Law, New York University School of Law. I would like to thank participants in the New York University School of Law Brown Bag Lunch Series, the University of Maryland's 1993 Quinn, Ward & Kershaw Environmental Symposium, the Resources for the Future Public Policy Lecture Series, the Association of Public Policy and Management Research Conference's Panel on Social and Economic Dimensions of Environmental Concerns, the Stanford Law School Environmental and Natural Resources Law Colloquium, and the Association of American Law Schools' 1994 Annual Meeting Environmental Law Section Panel, as well as Robert Bullard, Michael Gerrard, Bruce Hay, Lewis Komhauser, Richard Lazarus, Richard Revesz, and Rae Zimmerman for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. I also would like to thank John Fahsbender, Dan Pacheco, Rachel Schuldiner, Todd Smith, and Lewis Tepper for their assistance in the research for this Article. I am grateful for the support of the Filomen D'Agostino and Max E. Greenberg Research Fund at the New York University School of Law.