This research aim to decide correct consentration of flour materials for the characteristic of the most liked liquid waste mackarel tuna flavor powder by the people. The reaserch was held in February-Maret 2018 in TPHP Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Unpad Central Laboratory, the center of mackarel tuna factory in Cirebon, and BPPMHP Cirebon. The method which used is experimental research, which consist three treatments adding wheat flour 10%, 15% and 20% (b/v). The parameter is monitored is the degree of the flavouritness filt wheat for sensory characteristic (physically, smell, texture and taste). The data obtained were analyzed using non-parametric statistic. Physical parameter (rendement, bulk density, and solubility), proximate parameter (ash, water, protein, fat and carbohydrate). The result of the research shows that liquid mackerel tuna flavor powder which focused on wheat flour in 15% which is the favorite of panelist has the average 7,3; 7,0; 7,4; and 5,8, then it has high alternative value, it is 6,53. Wheat flour consentrate 15% which result to rendement value 19,34%, bulk density 0,42 g/ml and solubility 44%. Proximate analysis of ash content 26,71%, water 4,90%, protein 30,90%, fat 6,59% and carbohydrate 30,90%. GSJ: VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, JULY 2018 277 GSJ© 2018 INTRODUCTION Fish brine is a product that is quite popular in Indonesia. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) reported that fish brine production in Indonesia reached 242,159 tons in 2013, and continues to increase year after year (Abdillah et al 2015). The industry of marinating mackarel tuna in its process produces liquid waste, which can cause environmental pollution, especially odor resulting from protein decay. One unit of tuna processing industry, produces liquid waste per day as much as 150 m3 (Nilawati et al 2014). Cultivation area of mackarel tuna fish brine found in West Java precisely in Purwawinangun Village, Suranenggala District, Cirebon Regency. The waste generated in the form of industrial water contains 12.22% protein, 2.10% fat, 2.60% ash, meat flakes and other components lost during cooking process (Isnaeni et al 2014). So far, liquid waste from the fish brining process has not been optimally utilized. Whereas, if its exploited with various technological developments, liquid waste of fish brine potentially produce new products such as petis, soy sauce, and crackers (Oktavia dkk 2012). Another alternative for utilize liquid waste mackarel tuna fish brine into a product that has a higher economic value is to process it into a "flavor powder" liquid waste mackarel tuna fish brine. Flavored powder or called flavoring is a additional food that can provide and add its flavor and aroma. Making this product is expected to compete with other flavor powder and favored by society. The creation of a liquid flavor powder requires the addition of a filler to speed up the drying process, increase the yield, coat the flavor component and prevent damage by the heat (Lailiyah 2014). Fillers used in the manufacture of mackarel tuna fish brine flavor powder in the form of wheat flour because wheat flour has economic value, easy to obtain and beside, wheat flour has a similar degree of solubility with maltodektrin. Wheat flour as a filler for carbohydrates and gluten contained in wheat flour can be a protein encapsulation agent. The protein encapsulation agent is a material that can bind the flavor with protein components in the form of particles so that it is not damaged during the drying or heating process due to the denaturation of protein (Khasanah 2015). The concentration of the filler is very influential on the characteristics of powder liquid waste fish brine flavor powder to produce high nutrient flavor powder, which has the appearance of fine and dry powder, beige color, special aroma of broth and the special taste of broth preferred by panelist (Ramadhani 2015). The objective of this study was to determine the exact concentration of flour fillers to produce the most favorable flavor of powder liquid waste fish brine liquid flavor. METHOD OF RESEARCH Place and Time of Research This research was conducted in February March 2018 in three places, namely Fishery Products Processing Laboratory of Fishery and Marine Science Faculty of Padjadjaran University, Central Laboratory of Padjadjaran University and at Cirebon Quality Research and Testing Center (BPPMHP). Tools and Materials Tools and materials used are Blender, Pan, stove, stirrer, strainer, spoon, Spray dryer and plastic sealer, tuna waste water powder, wheat flour, garlic, onion, pepper and turmeric, and polyethylene plastic. The method which used is experimental research, which consist three treatments adding wheat flour 10%, 15% and 20% (b/v). The parameter is monitored is the degree of the flavouritness filt wheat for sensory characteristic (physically, smell, texture and taste). The data obtained were analyzed using non-parametric statistic (Friedmen test). Physical parameter (rendement, bulk density, and solubility), proximate parameter (ash, water, protein, fat and carbohydrate). RESULT AND DISCUSSION Mackarel Tuna Fish Brine Flavor Powder Physical Test 1. Rendement (Rendement) Rendement was obtained by computing (weighing) the final weight of the material resulting from the process compared with the initial weight before undergoing the process (Husna et al 2017). Based on the results of observation of flavor powders rendement test with 10% treatment has a rendement value of 18.52% is the lowest rendement and 20% treatment has a rendement value of 21.04% and is the highest rendement value (Table 1). Table 1. Flavor Powder Rendement Observation Results No. Additional treatment of wheat flour (%) Rendement (%) 1. 10 18,52 2. 15 19,34 3. 20 21,04 The results of this rendement test proves that the higher the addition of wheat flour can affect the rendement, the rendement will be higher to be exact. This result is in accordance with the opinion of Kanpairo et al (2012) that the increase in total solids from flavor powder is due to the addition of filler material. 2. Bulk density Calculation of bulk density is done to determine the bulky nature of the flavor powder. Based on the result of observation of GSJ: VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, JULY 2018 278 GSJ© 2018 density test of fish brine flavor powder. Flavored powder of all treatments have different values of density and it can be seen in (Table 2). Table 2. Flavor Powder Bulk Density Observation Result No. Additional treatment of wheat flour (%) Bulk density g/ml 1. 10 0,36 2. 15 0,42 3. 20 0,46 The bulk density results of mackarel tuna fish brine flavour powder show that the addition of wheat flour will increase the bulk density. Food has high bulk density show high density. The high bulkdensity will require a smaller place. Bulk density from various powder products generally ranges from 0.30-0.80 g / mL (Miftakhurohmah 2012). 3. Solubilty Solubility test is needed because the application of flavor powder is mixed into the cooking as a flavoring, especially solubility test against water solvent. Based on the observation result of mackarel tuna fish brine flavour powder, soluble flavor powder of all treatments have different solubility value and can be seen in (Table 3). Table 3. Flavor Powder Solubility Observation Results No. Additional treatment of wheat flour (%) Solubility (%) 1. 10 54 2. 15 44 3. 20 42 The solubility of mackarel tuna fish brine with flour filler is still low compared to the solubility value of tuna flavor powder with maltodextrin filler in Kanpairo et al (2012) which has a solubility value of 60.87-70.12%. Hedonic Test of Mackarel Tuna Fish Brine Powder Flavor 1. Appearance The appearance is the first characteristic of a panelist in consuming a product. Based on Friedman test results toward the appearance of flavor powder obtained the same median value of 7 which means the appearance of flavor powder products favored by the panelist. The average value of mackarel tuna fish brine powder flavor appearance can be seen in (Table 4). Table 4. Average Value of Flavor Powder Appearance Additional treatment of wheat flour (%) Median Average of Appearance 10 7 6,8 a 15 7 7,3 a 20 7 6,6 a Description: The numbers followed by the same letters show no significant difference according to the comparative test level of 5%. The appearance of mackarel tuna fish brine flavored powder with 10% flour additive treatment has slightly darker cream color, 15% treatment has cream color like color of commercial chicken flavoring powder. The color of the flavoring powder with 20% treatment has a slightly pale creamy color due to the increasing amount of wheat flour. The color of the brown flavored powder is caused by the heating process during drying that triggers Maillard reaction. Maillard reaction is a reaction between carbonyl compounds that react with reducing sugars and amines derived from amino acids (proteins from tuna broth) and can cause brownish color in foods (Oliveira et al 2014). 2. Flavour Some food industries conclude that the scent is very important because it can provide favorable or unfavorable research results on food products. The average value of mackarel tuna fish brine flavored powder can be seen in (Table 5). Table 5. Average Value of Flavour Powder Aroma Additional treatment of wheat flour (%) Median Average of Flavour 10 7 6,5 a 15 7 7 ab 20 5 5,3 b Description: The numbers followed by the same letters show no significant difference according to the comparative test GSJ: VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, JULY 2018 279 GSJ© 2018 level of 5%. The smell of tuna fish brine on the 10% treatment has a distinctly stronger aroma of cob fish brine, the 15% treatment has a strong tomato fish brine aroma and 20% treatment has a less strong artifact of cob fish brine. Aroma is a volatile component that can determin
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