Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi conducted 40 front line demonstrations on mustard crop under the varieties - DRMR IJ-31, NRCHB -101, RH-749, NRCDR-2 and RH-406 during 2016–17. The critical reasons were identified in existing production technology through surveys and meetings with farmers. Sowing time, use of higher seed rate which resulted into high plant population, uneven plant population, more weeds, in balance dose of fertilizers and less use of plant protection measures were main causes of low productivity of oilseeds in district Jhansi. The results of study showed that the yield under demonstration plots was 12.82 q/ha as compared to 9.78 q /ha in traditional farmer practices plots. The results clearly indicate the positive effects of FLDs over the existing farmer’s practices. Benefit: cost ratio was also recorded higher under demonstrations against farmer practices during the year of experimentation.