Malafide Intension and its mapping to Privacy Policy Purposes for Masquerading

In presence of a robust privacy infrastructure, an attacker can fulfil his purpose (malafide intension) only by masquerading it with bonafide purposes besides other authentication parameters. We address the issue of masquerading of purpose for a malafide intension by defining the mapping from a malafide intension to bonafide purposes in this paper. An understanding of such a mapping can facilitate both a hacker (assist him in masquerading) and a forensic expert to investigate malafide accesses. Determination of these bonafide purposes may help speed up the violation detection if the user accesses log has listed bonafide purpose with each user access. The bonafide purposes can be determined in data-independent (without accessing the database) or data-dependent (database access is required) mode. In this paper we define a mapping of a malafide intension to bonafide purposes in data-independent mode