Boosting method of the display image, a controller unit and a display apparatus having the same to do this
Of a display image boosting method, the controller unit and the display device having the same, the boosting method of the display image to do this, to analyze the applied image data from the outside, the luminance in the partial area (hereinafter referred to as boosting area) when determining whether to satisfy the boosting conditions set to increase, and comfort in such a boosting condition, the causes of local dimming signals generated by the video data value increases the boosting region and the corresponding luminance in the signal. Then converts the peripheral area data corresponding to the peripheral region of the image data into converted image data so that the luminance in the peripheral area adjacent to the boosting area reduction. Thus, with decreasing the luminance in the peripheral area converts the peripheral area data corresponding to a peripheral region, it can be prevented in the vicinity of the boosting region that brightness is increased. Gamma converter, the signal dithering part, the intermediate conversion part, the intermediate dithering part