ASAP: Fast, Controllable, and Deployable Multiple Networking System for Satellite Networks

Satellite networks, which provide high bandwidth but have high latency, suffer from performance degradation for secure web access (HTTPS). The use of multiple networks, which combines a satellite network with a low latency network, becomes an attractive method for a satellite Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide better network services. We propose a novel and practical multiple networking system, called Accelerating Network Services by Adding a Short Path (ASAP). ASAP accelerates secure web page loading with a little help from a low latency network while exploiting the high bandwidth of a satellite network. By using a middlebox approach with a multipath tunneling mechanism, ASAP is deployable to the current Internet architecture without modifying core networks and protocols. Phase-based classification mechanism of ASAP enhances network services while minimizing and controlling the data usage of the auxiliary, low latency network to reduce the operation cost for a satellite ISP, which leases the auxiliary network. Our performance evaluation shows that ASAP is an effective solution to reduce secure web page load time while reducing and controlling the data usage of networks. Our real-world testbed shows that ASAP works with the current Internet infrastructure.