Shear Buckling Analysis of a Hat-Stiffened Panel

ABSTRACTA buckling analysis was performed on a hat-stiffened panel subjected to shear loading. Both localbuckling and global buckling were analyzed. The global shear buckling load was found to be several timeshigher than the local shear buckling load. The classical shear buckling theory for a fiat plate was found tobe useful in predicting the local shear buckling load of the hat-stiffened panel, and the predicted local shearbuckling loads thus obtained compare favorably with the results of finite element analysis.AA mR a bb 0 DD DQx , DQy D x, Dy, Dxy dE C E S flf2 G C G S hNOMENCLATURE 2 cross-sectional area of one corrugation leg, A = Itc, incross-sectional area1 of global panel 2segment bounded by p,= A + pt s + _ (fl - f2) tc' inFourier coefficient of assumed trial function for w (x, y), in.length of global panel, in.horizontal distance between centers of corrugation and curved region,b = _1[ P-_(fl1 +f2) 1 ' in.width of rectangular flat plate segment, in.width of global panel, in.