The nucleotide sequence of the first externally suppressible–1 frameshift mutant, and of some nearby leaky frameshift mutants.

Nine mutants within a 23 nucleotide sequence of the trpE gene of Salmonella typhimurium have been characterized. trpE91, a mutant which is externally suppressible has a single base deletion. Eight (or nine) nucleotides upstream of this deletion, two independently isolated mutations have the same transversion. In combination with trpE91 these mutations lead to partial restoration of synthesis of anthranilate synthetase in the absence of external suppressors. In the transversion the sequence A CA is changed to A AA and this new sequence may be the site where frameshifting occurs to allow leakiness. Leakiness is displayed by two further mutants of the same sign as trpE91, and one of the opposite sign, in the absence of any base substitution or external suppressors. Specific sequences, e.g., UUUC, may be especially prone to frameshifting and this sequence is created at the site of the +1 frameshift mutant which displays leakiness. In the new reading frame generated by the two ‐1 frame leaky mutants, a tryptophan codon is encountered. Leakiness is necessarily detected in the absence of tryptophan and under these conditions there will be a shortage of charged tryptophan tRNA. The possibility of such functional imbalance leading to frameshifting in these mutants is discussed.