Human Factors Considerations for Enhancing Performance in the Naval Airship

The purpose of this research and review effort was to make recommendations for enhancing human performance on a conceptual airship under consideration for maritime use by the U.S. Navy. The major intent was to determine an optimal work/rest schedule and corresponding crew size (See Figure 1). These recommendations assumed an inflight mission duration of 30 days with crew exchange after the mission is completed, continuous operations throughout the mission, and certain pre-determined crew positions. Based on an analysis of analogous systems and review of state-of-the-art research, recommendations for optimal and alternative work/rest cycles were made and the impact on crew size was identified. The authors concluded that a specifically sized crew can maintain acceptable levels of performance during airship missions of 30 to 60 days duration if an appropriate work/rest schedule is followed and minimum habitability requirements are met. Accordingly, recommendations for habitability requirements were made for the following areas: volume, temperature and humidity, lighting, noise and vibration, decor, privacy, personal hygiene and waste management, food, medical support, and leisure and recreation.