Design-Oriented Thermostructural Analysis with External and Internal Radiation, Part 2: Transient Response

This is the second paper in a two-part series presenting a sensitivity-analysis formulation covering configuration shape and structural sizing design variables for nonlinear thermostructural analysis including the effects of radiation: external and in internal cavities. Part 1 presented the steady-state coupled thermal-structural formulation with results from a new coupled design-oriented thermoelastic analysis capability. The present paper considers transient heat transfer analysis problems with temperature-dependent material properties. Structural response is assumed to be quasi-steady. Because structural-thermal integration had been demonstrated earlier, the focus here is on design-oriented analysis aspects of the conduction-radiation problem. An approximation scheme is presented for the category of problems discussed that leads to a reduction of CPU cost from the order of N 3 operations to N 2 for cavity radiation analysis. A hypersonic wing structure similar to a space shuttle wing is used as a test case.