Standard illumination source for the evaluation of display measurement methods and instruments

A prototype display measurement assessment transfer standard (DMATS) is being developed by the NIST to assist the display industry in standardizing measurement methods used to quantify and specify the performance of electronic display. Designed as an idealized electronic display, the DMATS illumination source emulates photometric and colorimetric measurement problems commonly encountered in measuring electronic displays. NIST will calibrate DMATS units and distribute them to participating laboratories for measurement. Analysis of initial interlaboratory comparison results will provide a baseline assessment of display measurement uncertainties. Also, diagnostic indicators expected to emerge from the data will be used to assist laboratories in correcting deficiencies or in identifying metrology problem areas for further research, such as measurement techniques tailored to new display technologies. This paper describes the design and construction of a prototype DMATS source and preliminary photometric and colorimetric characterization. Also, this paper compares measurements obtained by several instruments under constant environmental conditions and examines the effects of veiling glare on chromaticity measurements.