Security in e-business and beyond: a case study reflecting current situations and future trends

Recent advancements in science and technology provide many competitive advantages to modern businesses. During the 1990s, Dow Chemical Company revamped its business strategy and employed e-business. It introduced online business application over the World Wide Web and initiated partnership programmes with all its suppliers and customers. It connected with the B2B market places in the chemical industry like and Dow also implemented 24/7 customer service, CRM/e-CRM programmes, etc. Once these applications were in place, Dow soon required a state-of-the-art IT security system and addressed this issue by implementing a high standard Cyber security system for its e-business based on the Chemical Sector Cyber Security Program. This paper analyses the Dow Chemical Company's successful implementation of e-business and security systems and provides insight into the future trends of e-business, m-business and beyond.